Friday, September 23, 2011


Oh so many topics to talk about on this wet friday afternoon. I could talk about the phillies horrible showing the last week or so. I could say how I am disappointed not to be going to Busch Gardens Howl O Scream this weekend. But i wont go in any of those directions. Maybe in the future posts i will.

Instead I am going to answer a common question wondered by many people. How do i make great popcorn at home. Well i will tell you. First you need a good popper. The best that i have experienced is the Whirly Pop popper which allows you to stir the popcorn as it is popping. Also it has vents which allow the steam to escape so the popcorn does not get soggy. Secondly you need good oil. Now i have not experimented too much but i can say that coconut oil is my favorite. Lastly you need butter. Now some people even myself would just melt some butter drop over the popcorn and maybe add some salt and ready to go. Well the real trick is the right flavoring. I have tried those other oil flavorings like you can find at your local store. But the trick is stuff called flavacol. You add a teaspoon of this stuff per 4 tablespoons of popcorn and you will be very happy (also about 3 teaspoons of coconut oil). It gives it a nice salty and butter flavoring with out making it all soggy. Which means the next morning it is just as good if there is any left from the night before. Well that is all for today.